(This article will be translated to english soon!) Prinášame ďalší zaujímavý rozhovor z druhej strany pokrového stola! Tentokrát som vyspovedala môjho českého kolegu,…
Everyone wants to win in a casino! Human is a resourceful being and therefore tries all he or she can to outsmart the…
Freelancer is a person working for different companies rather than being permanently employed by one company. Today we encounter freelancing in various fields. Usually it…
I remember it as if it was yesterday. We used to go there like to school, five days a week, eight hours a…
Work, no matter how good it is, is still work, and I was never able to identify myself with the opinion: I love…
September bol pracovne-cestovateľsky náročný mesiac. Freelancing je niekedy psychicky a fyzicky vyčerpávajúci. Cestovať lietadlami viac ako miestnymi taxíkmi, tiež nie je iba o…
Why am I blogging? I know, that in today’s virtual time there is a great deal of competition between bloggers. Blogs grow on…