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Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovak.
Gambling as an occupational disease in casinos? Up to 99% of croupiers will develop their gambling addiction to maximum. In casinos, money loses…
Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovak.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovak.
SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT | A Saudi prince lost 1.350 Billion Riyals ($359 Million) in six hours as well as five of his…
Archie Karas Tento grék sa stal najväčšou legendou vo svete hazardu a je naozaj neprekonateľným gamblerom všetkých čias. Z domu utiekol, keď mal 15 rokov.…
People, who don’t work in casinos, have in generally a distorted idea of gambling. If someone occasionally comes to the casino to play,…
In gambling games we encounter a lot of nonsense, superstition and mistakes in general. The real twisted gamblers truly believe everything from controlling…
Tento asi najznámejší hrací systém, ktorý je pomenovaný po Johnovy Henrym Martindalovi, majiteľovi kasína v Londýne v 18.storočí. Je to veľmi obľúbený a…