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Gambling dealer stories: How we became gambling addicts!

Mar 30, 2018
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Gambling as an occupational disease in casinos? Up to 99% of croupiers will develop their gambling addiction to maximum. In casinos, money loses its meaning and value. The notes are changing to a colorful plastic chips. Imagine that you meet this factor every day at work. Would it not affect you? Read the real 4 stories of casino croupiers who have decided to talk about their gembling addiction. All stories are anonymous.

 Story 1: Gambling at work

I remember how we got paid, and that evening we gambled all our wages on Backgammon, Tic-tac-toe and chess. We played these games in our staff room during short 15 minutes breaks. The next day we found a memo on the wall: “It´s prohibited to gamble in the staff room at any time of the day!”. However, my biggest gambling fail was when I went to the casino with the last 4000 (czk) because I did not have enough money for food, but only for rent. I sat down at the 50/100 cash game and made a fortune there. I could not get up and leave. At the end I left it all there and then I did not even have the money for the rent. I was such a loser!

Story 2: Low EPT salary

I worked like crazy around 300 hours per month. I needed more money so I sat down at Blackjack table and changed £200. I played only £10 per box from the beginning. It did not work out well so I kept raising the bets. I ended up playing £200 per box. I remember how I doubled on 11 against the dealer’s four and got 2. I lost £800 in two hands. I lost the whole EPT Malta and Prague wages in 1 night. It was about £5000 and I left the casino very disappointed and depressed. It was the worst feeling and I could not fall asleep for a long time after that.

Story 3: Unexpected winner

Once I was dealing the Student Championship in Coventry. It was terrible! We were short of staff and doing 15 tables push on the most uncomfortable chairs and tables ever. Finally, it was all over and I earned over £1000 for this event. I traveled to Walsall for GUKPT. I wanted to play the Mini Main Event. Obviously, I lost the remaining money on roulette and cash game. I was fortunate enought to stay for free with the friends in the hotel.

I wrote a cheque to myself on the piece of paper. At the end, I finished 12th for £400, which did not even cover my losses. When I was leaving the casino, i stopped and turned around and stubbornly went back in. I said to myself that I will win it all back. I put all £400 into the slot machine and chose the maximum bet. In one hour later, I left the casino with £6,000! It was exactly how much It was for the first place in the Mini ME tournament. This time, my gambling session worked out well and I got my unexpected win.

Story 4: Casino Security guy

We used to go for couple of drinks and quick gamble after work. We had our favourite place where we hanged out and played electronic roullete. Mostly, we have left this place skinned. Everyone lost their wages, and rarely anyone left home with the money in the pocket. I remember one night out. We were gembling again and chasing 8,17 and 7 neighbors like crazy. We all lost again. Fortunately, we had this security casino guy that always helped out dealers with the money. However, He was charging from 50% up to 100% interest rate for these loans. It was total usury!

This very wise bouncer was making fortune and all gembling desperate dealers just kept taking money from him under terrible conditions. We could give him a call anytime and he always came over with the required amount of money. Some of his loans exceeded 3-4 monthly dealer´s wages. We stayed in this slots casino place for three days and lost all the money. One of us even had to go to work after this unsuccessful Gembling session because he was an inspector and could not afford the absence at work. Then I realized how much we are all degenerated and that we have a real problem with gembling!

Do You Have Your Gembling Story? Bring it on! All stories are welcome!



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