Tag: Strategia

Golden 20 Hold’em Poker Odds & Statistics to Improve your Poker Game
Theory & Strategy
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Golden 20 Hold’em Poker Odds & Statistics to Improve your Poker Game

Admin - Jul 04, 2017

What are the odds? As a poker player, that’s the first thing you should ask. Here are some poker odds and statistics to…

Unusual Poker Terms and Definitions
Theory & Strategy
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Unusual Poker Terms and Definitions

Admin - Jan 29, 2017

We all know the basic terminology of poker, words as a freeroll, bad beat, bankroll, tilt and fish. These poker terms are particularly…

Art of bluff: to bluff or not to bluff?
Theory & Strategy
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Art of bluff: to bluff or not to bluff?

Admin - Dec 27, 2016

It´s really art to bluff successfully your oponents in poker. Why? There are three types of bluffs in poker. Let's start from the…

Kráľovná kasín RULETA
Theory & Strategy
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Kráľovná kasín RULETA

Admin - Oct 15, 2016

Ruleta je bez pochýb  najobľúbenejšia hazardná hra na celom svete. Pri príchode do kasína každému hneď padne do oka a láka svojím farebným…

The king of cards: Blackjack
Theory & Strategy
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The king of cards: Blackjack

Admin - Sep 27, 2016

The most popular card game in casino with the best chance of winning, if we know how to play it correctly! In casinos…

Poker stratégia: Pohľad na nevedomosť a nevšímavosť
Theory & Strategy
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Poker stratégia: Pohľad na nevedomosť a nevšímavosť

Admin - Sep 26, 2016

Steve „Zee“ Zolotow, aka The Bald Eagle, je veľmi úspešný pokrový hráč viac ako 35 rokov. Je držiteľom dvoch WSOP náramkov a má viac…