Tag: casino

The biggest casino wins in Las Vegas history
Recommended, slider, from experience
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The biggest casino wins in Las Vegas history

Admin - Feb 25, 2023

Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovak.

Master Classics of Poker is about fun!
Live poker tours resume
0 shares8983 views

Master Classics of Poker is about fun!

Admin - Dec 06, 2016

Master Classics of Poker celebrated in big style this year! It was the 25th Silver edition of this unforgettable poker festival. MCOP took…

Kráľovná kasín RULETA
Theory & Strategy
0 shares12350 views

Kráľovná kasín RULETA

Admin - Oct 15, 2016

Ruleta je bez pochýb  najobľúbenejšia hazardná hra na celom svete. Pri príchode do kasína každému hneď padne do oka a láka svojím farebným…

Croupier school vs. Poker dealer course
from experience
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Croupier school vs. Poker dealer course

Admin - Oct 11, 2016

I remember it as if it was yesterday. We used to go there like to school, five days a week, eight hours a…

What is it like to be a croupier?
from experience
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What is it like to be a croupier?

Admin - Oct 11, 2016

Work, no matter how good it is, is still work, and I was never able to identify myself with the opinion: I love…

Je počítanie kariet na Blackjacku podvod?
Theory & Strategy, Video
0 shares21157 views

Je počítanie kariet na Blackjacku podvod?

Admin - Sep 26, 2016

Nie! Oficiálne to nie je nič nelegálne, ale každé casino má právo vás pri akomkoľvek malom podozrení vyhodiť z casina. Ak sa tak…