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Farmer´s casino no professional dealers needed!

Feb 08, 2017
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To work in Irish casinos is incomparable with any other casino job in the world. There’s no gambling law or official poker clubs in Ireland. All casinos are registered as private member clubs, where you can also play poker. And again, Ireland is a veritable wonderland, where you will see things you will not see anywhere else in the world!

Farmer´s casino

My most interesting and bizarre work experience (about 8 years ago) is from a small farmer´s casino aka ” Irish farmers have openned a casino!” The Irish government purchased a large piece of land from the local farmer for a huge amount of money. His fields were preventing the construction of new motorway to Dublin. This irish lucky gentleman is becoming a millionaire overnight. The land in Ireland is limited, lucrative and incredibly expensive. He decides, together with his very good pal to open a local casino where locals gemblers could regularly play cards. I must say, that these guys had a proper entrepreneurial spirit!

Grand Opening is planned

I arrived about an one hour before my start. I always like to familiarize with my new work enviroment. I also was expecting some special and necessary instructions, that  might be given to me. About 15 minutes before the Grand opening I have a strange feeling in my gut. It´s a bit weird, but i cannot see another employees. So I asked the boss curiously:

” Where are the other croupiers?” He just gave me a surprised look, then he says with lightness :

“Well, You are here. I got you!”

Well, I see, the boss has no doubt about my super powers to deal at all tables simultaneously. I´m really honored by this compliment. However, his unussual answer is very difficult to logically understand at the moment. My reaction is only surprised grinning and I expect, that he was only joking. In about three seconds of silence of the grave, I found out, that he was bloody serious about it! I’m the only croupier in the entire bloody casino!? I tried to explain him, that this can not work this way and we must get dealers very quickly. Even God of  the fckin gambling can´t manage to deal the roulette, blackjack and poker at the same time, can he!?

Unexpected help is coming!

My smiling boss is beginning to understand the full seriousness of the situation. Quickly calls the bouncer Johnny, who stands pretty bored next to the casino door. My task is to teach Johnny how to deal Blackjack with all the rules in 10 minutes. This is an impossible task, but I have to try it. Otherwise, I will certainly pass away in this imaginary farmer´s casino tonight. John and his muscles can´t remember a variety of blackjack rules or shuffle the 320 cards! So I shown him at least the basics of the game very quickly.

“So what? Is he Ok? Can we kick off?”  I eagerly heard from the boss.
“Yeaah, he´s good craic…doin´ well!” Shouting from a distance with a dodgy grin at my face.

It’s time. The boss openned the door and impatient local gemblers jumped in and headed straight to the roulette wheel. Roulette, the Queen of the casino is opened and the game can begin. A few lads are already stepping around the blackjack table. Boss is immediately pointing his finger at Johny. Open the game, please! I´m just watching his movements and clumsy attempts to shuffle the pile of cards from a distance.

Comicality of those situations can not be describes by words. John is inventing new rules at the Blackjack table. Players keep correcting him, or leave him to pay them off. Whatever suits better! Everyone is happy winner tonight, happy days! In two hours time, Boss decided to give his diverse employees short break. God bless him for his mercy! He came to me and replace me on the roulette wheel. The instruction was clear: After your break go to Johnny and give him short break too. Jaw on the floor, nevermind… I really prefer to make some coffee for myself now! I leave my boss to it. Tonight everyone´s croupier!

This is how we worked all night long. We also finished with small profit, but only because of the roulette and it´s probability! For next night, we got some Russian-speaking dealers with broken english. Our boss was a very nice and kind-hearted man. Forever smiling and with a big heart. No situation has been stressful enough for him. He paid cash every night, along with random bonuses depending on the results. After all, it was quite fun. I knew that this unussual farmer´s casino can´t operate for a long time.

The local irish casino with freestyle unconventional bussiness approach has closed in two months time. Certainly, I will not forget this Grand Opening for the rest of my life. Ireland is a country of all wonders, if you do not experience it for yourself you will not believe it! I love Ireland forever!

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