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Tomáš “Masuronike” Kubaliak: Vlogger of unconventional poker video

May 04, 2017
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You know it, everyone is blogging, vlogging or playing poker for living. Thomas Kubaliak aka Masuronike has already done more in the poker community. In addition to having established the social network Tiltbook, where you can officially cry off and talk to the whole world about all of your downswings and badbeats. Also, He has successfully completed his personal poker challenge years ago. He managed to become Pokerstars Supernova Elite from $150 bankroll in 8 months. Unbelieable, We wouldn´t manage to get a cheap Huawei smartphone for that amount of money. Hats off sir!

Nowdays, He has decided to dominate the vlogger´s world with his non-traditional and entertaining poker videos. His latest video, called Struggles of a Poker vlogger in Slovakia is not certainly the classic posh video of highroller poker player such as PokerStars Pro Jake Cody or playboy Dan Bilzarian. Super old Skoda car, sellotaped camera and cows in the background. This is how you´re chasing up the high-stakes action in Slovakia. Take a look for yourself …

OMG!…No, the horror Hostel really wasn´t filmed in Slovakia, but how can you believe it after watching this Masuronike´s unconventional poker video?

Nevermind! In any case, It´s very funny, original and unconventional video, that basically points to other things and issues in our country. We keep our thumbs up for our unconventional Slovak vlogger and looking forward to his future videos!

Naturally! After Hostel, Masuronike´s poker videos and statistically highest corruption of politics. This is our Slovakia after all..


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