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Caribbean Poker Party 2017 through the eyes of dealers

Dec 11, 2017
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The best event of the year for players and dealers is definitely the unique Caribbean MILLIONS Poker Party. CPP is an action-packed festival lined up with combined guarantees of a jaw-dropping $10,000,000 with all kinds of buy-in levels and events. This year, the Caribbean Poker Party was held at The Level at Meliá Caribe Tropical, 5-stars holiday resort in Punta Cana, Dominican republic from 19th – 25th November 2017.

And who can give us the best feedback?  Yes, it must be the dealers and players. However, this time is all about the CPP Poker Crew! Let´s hear them all out!

How would you describe the Caribbean Poker Party in Punta Cana?

Andy Tillman (USA): The CPP was a great event with huge prizepools and even bigger fun had by the players and staff. It was sun and fun and action daily. Between the resort and the location to the beach the big guarantees the players had a major event that came with the the added bonus of a huge party and a chance to enjoy things and relax while playing poker as well. It is a premier event in the poker world!

Marína (Croatia): CPP is defintely among the best tournaments I’ve ever dealt and even being part of it. It’s really unique experience for the dealers as well as the players. Great work organisation and a lot of free time activities. It is actually working vacation, in a very positive way.

Roxy (Canada): Amazing Time On & Off the table.

Hristyan (Bulgaria): CPP in Punta was amazing! The organization, hotel, people and the prizepools! The whole festival was managed very well, dealers and players were happy, so our job was done good i´d say .

Matea (Croatia): When someone ask me about CPP Punta Cana, first word that comes on my mind is amazing. This event really is poker in paradise. The whole atmosphere was so relaxed, a lot of great players and top level organization.

What did you enjoy the most, have you experienced anything that never will be forgotten?

Andy: I enjoyed being so close to the beach and enjoying the sun while being at work. The event was also fun to have all the layers and staff in great mods and everyone enjoying being there and each other for fun parties and events outside the poker room that happens nowhere else.

Marína: Whole CPP will never be forgotten and it is actually very hard to pick just one thing or moment. Having everyday activities at resort such as local dance lessons and different theme parties every night, the beach and pool activities, or visiting local islands, that is experience any dealer could only get in Punta Cana.

Roxy: Spending time with my poker family. I only see most of the staff once or twice a year so it’s always fun to be all reunited and have a good time together either on the beach or in the poker room.

Hristiyan: Well, what did i enjoy the most? We meet up with so many different people in this poker freelance world. During this event i meet some old friends that I travel with and a bunch of people that I had never seen and they fit great in to our community. We made a lot of friends and I´m looking forward to visit them all over the world when I have a bit of free time to do this. I won´t forget the big smiles at everyone´s faces when we were walking around (before the breakfast) every morning after the sunrise. I did enjoy the parasailing and swimming with the sharks.

Also, I will always remember the “Crew jump” where 15 – 20 of us jumped into the swimming pool with our work clothes  on after the end of the CPP. The other one was the “team song” (War – Low Rider) That was the best thing that happened in one day and after this we were dancing every day at least 6 times on it.

Matea: I enjoyed spending time with my poker family and the best team I have ever worked untill now. Also, I enjoyed pool parties and other animation parties which PartyPoker organized for players and staff.

Let’s try to compare CPP with other Poker festivals that you have worked at, what makes this poker tour unique and why?

Andy: As for the CPP compared to other events it has some of the biggest prizepool guarantees for any festival and the players are taken care of in so many ways that it’s great to have that kind of environment for everyone. It’s such a unique tour with party poker being so player first that it creates such and atmosphere that it’s hard to find someone who isn’t having a good time or there for all of the extra events or the big guarantees that come with Party Poker Live events.

Marína: It is impossible to compare CPP with any other Poker Festival. Working in paradise, wonderful resorts,surrounded by beautiful beaches and nature, with so many things to do in free time, really unique experience for all the dealers. I can only be thankful that I’ve had the opporrunity to be a part of organisation like this and look forward to work on next CPP.

Roxy: Just the fact that the event is host in an All Inclusive I think it’s more accessible to everyone. Also, Party poker had a lot of non poker activities included which most players really enjoyed. Everyone (players & dealers). I talked to had fun during the CPP, some would of prefer a 2-3 pm start for the main event so they get to enjoy the sun more but beside that everyone seemed happy.

Hrystian: Thee unique thing about CPP is the place! Dominican republic is full of people who are always dancing, smiling trying to help. Maybe, because of this we all loved this event. I can´t really compare it with any other poker tour, because normally i work a lot, but because of the enviroment and the people surrounding was pretty hard to stay more hours and not going for the party or after parties! I had a great trip, new friends, good atmosphere and nice event. What else could i want more from 1 event? Looking forward for the next year and hope i´ll see everyone again!

Matea: The first thing why it’s so unique is destination. The event was situated in great Punta Cana resort which was reserved for PartyPoker players and staff. The second reason is that on this tour everyone are enjoying not only poker but also a free time. On this event you just don’ t have any reason not the smile all the time. ❤️



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